Page 13 - ePD026_全方位英文文法魔法書_課本PDF
P. 13

時 態          01

                           (2) 未來預定會發生之事

                                    Judy is attending a wedding tonight. 茱蒂今晚會去參加婚禮。

                           (3) 正在改變或發展中之事

                                    The plants at the park are growing rapidly.

                         2. 動詞規則

                           (1) be 動詞+ V-ing

                                    We are playing tennis in the gym.  我們正在體育館打網球。
                                    Salina is reading the newspaper.  莎琳娜正在看報紙。

                           ※ 動詞變化補充

                                      字尾                      變化                      例子
                             一般情形                    +ing                    working, walking

                             字尾結尾為 e                 去 e+ing                 writing, moving
                             短母音 + 子音                重複字尾 +ing               swimming, sitting

                         3. 句型介紹

                                       第一人稱                   第二人稱                    第三人稱
                     肯定句        I am/We are +V-ing...    You are+V-ing...    She is/They are+V-ing...

                     否定句        I am not/We aren’t+V-ing...  You are not+V-ing...  She is not/They are not+V-ing...
                     疑問句        Am I/Are we+V-ing...?    Are you+V-ing...?   Is she/Are they+V-ing...?

                     Wh- 問句     Why am I/are we+V-ing...?  Why are you+V-ing...?  Why is she/are they+V-ing...?

                         4. 時間副詞
                           現在進行式常配合下列字詞一起使用 ( 重要!考題常考! )
                           (1) Look

                           (2) Listen
                           (3) now/ right now/at this time

                           (4) at the present time

                                    Listen! The birds are singing. 聽啊!小鳥們正在唱歌。

                                    I am talking on the phone now. 我現在正在講電話。

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