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P. 8

3. 句型介紹

                                                be 動詞                                一般動詞

                                第一人稱           第二人稱           第三人稱         第三人稱單數            其他人稱
                              I was...      You were...   He/She/It was...
                    肯定句                                                   He liked...    They liked...
                              We were...    You were...   They were...
                              I was not...  You were not...  He/She/It wasn’t...
                    否定句                                                   He didn’t like...  They didn’t like...
                              We were not...  You were not...  They weren’t...
                              Was I...?     Were you...?  Was he/she/it...?
                    疑問句                                                   Did he like...?  Did they like...?
                              Were we...?   Were you...?  Were they...?
                              Where was I?  Where were you?  Where was she?  What did he like?  What did they like?
                    Wh- 問句
                              Where were we? Where were you?  Where were they?


                         4. 時間副詞
                           (1) 昨天 ~:yesterday, yesterday morning...

                           (2) 之前 ~:before, two days ago...
                           (3) 上一個 ~:last week, last Sunday, last night...

                           (4)just now( 剛才 ), this morning( 今天早上 ), the day before yesterday( 前天 )...

                         5. 常犯錯誤:請注意不要犯了以下錯誤喔!

                           (1) 一般動詞忘記改為過去式動詞。
                           (2) 肯定句加上助動詞 ( 除強調之外 )。

                                    I did buy a cake for my mom. ==(×) 錯誤

                                    I bought a cake for my mother. ==( ○ ) 正確

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