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P. 4

( 一 ) 現在簡單式 (Present Simple)

                         1. 使用時機
                           (1) 目前的事實或狀態

                                    Tom is a senior high school student. 湯姆是個高中學生。

                                    How often do you see a movie? 你都多久看一次電影?

                           (2) 習慣性的動作

                                    I often play basketball on Sundays. 我星期天時常打籃球。

                                    My mother has breakfast at home every day.

                           (3) 不變的真理

                                    The earth goes around the sun. 地球繞著太陽轉。

                                    The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

                           (4) 代替未來式

                              在 if,when,unless,until,before,after 等引導的副詞子句中,會用現

                                    I will stay until you get here. 我將會待在這裡直到你來。

                                    If it rains tomorrow, I won’t go out.

                         2. 動詞規則
                           (1) be 動詞

                                    主 詞            be 動詞                       例 句
                                 第一人稱單數              am        I am a teacher.
                                 第二人稱單數              are       You are tall.

                                 第三人稱單數               is       She is afraid of dogs.
                                 複數                  are       My friends are at the party.

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