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時 態          01

                           (2) 一般動詞

                              第三人稱單數動詞字尾加 s/es,其餘均保持原形動詞即可。
                                    It costs me a lot of money to buy this car.


                                    I usually watch TV in my free time.

                              ※ 動詞變化補充

                                       字 尾                    變 化                   例 子
                                一般情形                  +s                     works, walks
                                字尾結尾為 s,x,sh,ch       +es                    boxes, watches

                                字尾子音 +o               +es                    goes, does
                                字尾子音 +y               去 y+ies                flies, studies

                                特殊字                   不規則變化                  have 變成 has

                         3. 句型介紹

                                                be 動詞                                 一般動詞
                                 第一人稱          第二人稱           第三人稱          第三人稱單數           其他人稱
                              I am...       You are...    He/She/It is...  He/She/It likes...  I/You/We/They
                              We are...     You are...    They are...                     like...
                              I am not...   You are not...  He/She/It is not...  He/She/It doesn’t  I/You/We/They
                              We are not...  You are not...  They are not...  like...     don’t like...
                              Am I...?      Are you...?   Is he/she/it...?  Does he/she/it   Do I/you/we/they
                              Are we...?    Are you...?   Are they...?    like...?        like...?
                              What am I...?  What are you...?  What is he/she/it...? What does  What do
                     Wh- 問句
                              What are we...?  What are you...?  What are they...?  he/she/it like?  I/you/we/they like?


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