Page 16 - ePD026_全方位英文文法魔法書_課本PDF
P. 16

2. 動詞規則

                           過去式 be 動詞+ V-ing
                                We were playing tennis in the gym at that time.


                                Mary was reading the newspaper then. 瑪莉當時正在看報紙。

                         3. 句型介紹

                                         第一人稱                  第二人稱                    第三人稱

                       肯定句        I was/We were +V-ing...  You were+V-ing...   She was/They were+V-ing...
                                  I was not/We were not +                      She was not/They were not+
                       否定句                                You were not+V-ing...
                                  V-ing...                                     V-ing...

                       疑問句        Was I/Were we+V-ing...?  Were you+V-ing...?  Was she/Were they+V-ing...?
                                  Why was I/were we+                           Why was she/were they+
                       Wh- 問句                             Why were you+V-ing...?
                                  V-ing...?                                    V-ing...?

                         was not 縮寫為 wasn’t。were not 縮寫為 weren’t。

                         4. 時間副詞
                           過去進行式常配合下列字詞一起使用 ( 重要!考題常考! )

                           (1) at+ 時刻            at 3 o’clock

                           (2) then(那時)
                           (3) at that time(那時)
                           (4) when/while

                                    What were you doing at 9:30 last night?

                                    We were sleeping in the room then.


                                    Jessica was watching TV when the phone rang.

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