Page 15 - ePD026_全方位英文文法魔法書_課本PDF
P. 15

時 態          01

                         ◎ 比較:I have a supper invitation VS. I am having supper.

                           第一句的 have 意思是「擁有,獲得」,屬於瞬間動詞,沒有持續性,不

                           第二句的 have 意思則是「吃」,就可以使用動名詞來表達正在進行的動作。


                    (  D  ) 1. My sister is reading the storybook, not     .
                             (A) write          (B) writes        (C) is writing     (D) writing

                    (  B  ) 2. Who      the sentences?
                             (A) understand                       (B) understands

                             (C) is understanding                 (D) understanding

                    (  A  )  3. Look!  Sandy      out the candles.
                             (A) is blowing     (B) blowing       (C) is blow        (D) blow

                    4. The two men      are standing      ( stand ) on the platform now.

                    5. Eric      is having      ( have ) steamed buns as his breakfast now.

                         ( 五 ) 過去進行式 (Past Progressive)

                         1. 使用時機
                           (1) 強調過去某時間內持續進行的動作

                                    Jeff and his brother were playing table tennis at 10:30 yesterday.

                                    I was having dinner with my friends at 8:00 last Monday.


                           (2) 表示過去某段時間的暫時狀態

                                    Sam was working in Taipei at that time. 山姆那時正在台北工作。

                                    He was sleeping when I got home. 當我回到家時,他正在睡覺。

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