Page 68 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 68

62    輕鬆學基礎英文法

                     Unit  13        未來式                                                            Unit 1, 7

                                                                                       本單元練習題解答:P. 解8~ 解 9
                   一  未來式

                     句型     S    + will + V 或 be 動詞原形

                           主詞 +  will  + 動詞原形或 be 動詞原形

                       例   • I will go to Taipei tomorrow. 我明天要去台北。
                           • It will rain tomorrow. 明天會下雨。
                           • I will be a super star. 我會成為巨星。

                           • There will be a typhoon tomorrow. 明天有颱風。

                           • He will lose the game. 他比賽會輸。
                           • You will know that I am right. 你會知道我是對的。


                          tomorrow [ tE`mCro ] (adv./n.) 明天           star [ star ] (n.) 星星
                          super [ `sup2 ] (adj.) 超級                   typhoon [ t1`fun ] (n.) 颱風

                        練  習      1 將下列句子加入 will,改成未來式

                        1.  He washes his car.

                        2.  I go to Japan.

                        3.  Trump comes here. (tomorrow)

                        4.  We go camping. (next Saturday)

                        5.  I call you.

                        6.  She plays basketball. (tomorrow)

                        7.  We are very happy to see you.

                        8.  There is a typhoon. (next Monday)

                        9.  It rains a lot. (next Monday)

                        10. He goes to see the dentist.
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