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Unit14  助動詞      67

                     Unit 14         助動詞                                                            Unit 2, 8

                                                                                      本單元練習題解答:P. 解9~ 解 10
                   一  情態助動詞



                     1   will :將要、將會、願意。

                         例   • I will go to America tomorrow. 我明天將要去美國。
                             • I will call the police. 我會報警。

                             • Will you come tomorrow? 你明天會來嗎?
                             • Will you marry me?  你願意嫁給(娶)我嗎?/你願意和我結婚嗎?

                             • She will not come to school today. 她今天不會來上學。

                        練  習      1

                        1.           you come with me? 你要一起來嗎?

                        2.  I         not go with you. 我不會跟你一起去。

                        3.  Mother           be very angry. 媽媽會很生氣。

                     2   would:will 的過去式,或是客氣用法。

                         例   • If I were you, I would be very happy. 如果我是你,我會很高興。
                             • Would you please give me a hand? 你可以幫我一個忙嗎?

                             • Would you like to order now? 現在要點菜了嗎?
                             • If I had money, I would buy this for you. 如果我有錢,我會買給你。

                        練  習      2

                        1.  If I were you, I        not do that. 如果我是你,我不會做那件事。
                        2.           you please be quiet? 可以麻煩你安靜嗎?

                     3   shall:表未來將發生的事,比 will 強烈、肯定,一般用於第一人稱。

                         例   • We shall come again. 我們(一定)會再來。

                             • Shall we dance? 要跳舞嗎?
                             • I shall never give up. 我永不放棄。
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