Page 70 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 70

64    輕鬆學基礎英文法

                        8.  I will learn cooking tonight.
                        9.  It will rain tomorrow.

                        10. We will study math.


                          give [ gIv ] (vt.)   給                      soccer [ `sak2 ] (n.) 足球
                          gift [ gIft ] (n.) 禮物                       help [ hWlp ] (vt.)  幫忙

                   三  疑問句

                     1   把 will 放到句首,並在句尾加上問號「?」成為疑問句。

                         例   • He will come. 他要來。                         Will he come? 他要來嗎?
                             • It will rain. 會下雨。                         Will it rain? 會下雨嗎?
                             • There will be a typhoon. 會有颱風。             Will there be a typhoon? 會有颱風嗎?

                             • You will marry me. 妳將嫁給我。                  Will you marry me? 妳願意嫁給我嗎?
                                   (你將會娶我。)           (你願意娶我嗎?)

                     2   把 be 動詞(is / am / are)放到句首,並在句尾加上問號「?」,即成疑問句。

                         例   • He is going to do his work. 他會做他的工作。
                                    Is he going to do his work? 他會做他的工作嗎?

                        練  習      3 將下列句子改為疑問句

                        1.  She will wash clothes.

                        2.  We will go home tonight.
                        3.  Jacky will play baseball.

                        4.  It will snow tomorrow.

                        5.  He is going to do it.

                   四  否定句

                     1   在 will 後直接加上 not 成為否定句。
                         例   • He will come. 他會來。                         He will not come. 他不會來。
                             • I will leave you. 我將離開你。                   I will not leave you. 我不會離開你。

                                 注 意  will not 可寫成 won't
                                        He will not go home      He won't go home.
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