Page 75 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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Unit14  助動詞      69

                     6   could: can 的過去式及客氣的用法。

                         例   • Could you give me a hand? 你可以幫我忙嗎?
                             • I couldn't believe it. 我無法相信。

                             • You could come with me. 你可以跟我來。
                             • I could drive last year. 我去年就可以開車了。

                             • If you didn't have enough money, I could sell this house.

                             • Could you please say that again? 可以請你再說一次嗎?

                        練  習      6

                        1.  She            come last night because she was busy. 她昨晚在忙所以不能來。

                        2.           you please turn off the TV? 可以麻煩你把電視關掉嗎?
                        3.  If I were in Kenting now, I        stay at the beach drinking beer.


                     7   may:可能、可以。

                         例   • He may be a good husband. 他可能是個好丈夫。
                             • She may not be a good wife. 她可能不是個好太太。
                             • May I come in? 我可以進來嗎?

                             • She may not like it. 她可能不會喜歡。

                             •  You may not watch TV before you finish your homework. 功課沒寫完不可以看電視。

                        練  習      7

                        1.           I go to the toilet? 我可以去上廁所嗎?

                        2.  I         not love you. 我可能不會愛你。
                        3.  She          be sick. 她可能病了。

                        4.  You                   stay here. 你不可以待在這裡。

                     8   might:may 的過去式及客氣用法。

                         例   • He might be a good student. 他可能是個好學生。
                             • She might be home. 她可能在家。

                             • Might I go home now? 我現在可以回家了嗎?
                             • She might not be a good student before. 她以前可能不是好學生。
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