Page 74 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 74

68    輕鬆學基礎英文法

                        shall 的否定為 shall not 或 shan't

                         例   • I shall not be free tonight. 我晚上一定沒空。
                             • I shan't trust you anymore. 我一定不會再相信你。

                        練  習      3

                        1.  I         come again. 我一定會再來。

                        2.  We           trust him. 我們不會相信他。
                        3.            we go? 要走了嗎?

                     4   should:應該、萬一、竟然。
                         例   • You should go to a doctor. 你應該去看醫生。

                             • We shouldn't trust you. 我們不應該相信你的。
                             • You should not come. 你不該來的。

                             • Should I go with you? 我該跟你去嗎?

                             • If you should pass the exam, I will buy you a car. 萬一你考試過了,我買車給你。
                             • Should we call the police? 我們該報警嗎?

                        練  習      4

                        1.  I         not trust you. 我不該信任你的。
                        2.           I pay you? 我應該付你錢嗎?

                        3.  I can't believe that you       lie to me. 我無法相信你竟然騙我。

                     5   can:能、會、可以。

                         例   • She can sing very well. 她很會唱歌。
                             • Can you cook? 你會煮飯嗎?

                             • You can't trust him. 你不可以信任他。
                             • I can call the police for you. 我可以幫你報警。

                        練  習      5

                        1.           you help me? 你可以幫我嗎?
                        2.  I         go with you. 我不能和你一起走。

                        3.  She          cook very well. 她很會作菜。
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