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P. 69

Unit13  未來式      63


                          camping [ `kAmpI9 ] (n.) 露營                 typhoon [ t1`fun ] (n.) 颱風
                          next [ nWkst ] (adj./n.) 下一個                dentist [ `dWntIst ] (n.) 牙醫
                          call [ kCl ] (vt./vi.) 打電話、叫、喊              see the dentist (v.+n.) 看牙醫
                          see [ si ] (vt./vi.) 看見

                   二   will 和 be going to

                        will 和 be going to 可互相代換。而 be going to 為比較確定之語氣。

                         例   • He will open the door.              He is going to open the door.
                             • John will buy a car.                John is going to buy a car.
                             • They will do it.                    They are going to do it.

                                 注 意 表示「來,去,離開」的句子則不適用,
                                        而應採進行式(be + Ving)來表示「未來」之意。

                         例   • He will go home. 他將回家。
                                     He is going to go home.(×)

                                     He is going home.(○)
                             • He will come here. 他將要來這裡。

                                     He is going to come here.(×)

                                     He is coming here.(○)

                             • I will leave for Taipei 我將前往台北。

                                     I am going to leave for Taipei.(×)

                                     I am leaving for Taipei.(○)

                        練  習      2 用 be going to 來改寫下列之句子

                        1.  She will wash her clothes.

                        2.  Monica will play the guitar.
                        3.  Paul will give me a gift.

                        4.  We will play soccer after school.

                        5.  He will be a MLB player.

                        6.  Mira will help me cook lunch.

                        7.  Jack will buy a car.
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