Page 27 - ePD026_全方位英文文法魔法書_課本PDF
P. 27

時 態          01

                    (  B  )   1. When Jeremy got to the airport, the airplane     .

                             (A) took off       (B) had taken off    (C) has taken off    (D) takes off

                    (  A  )   2. Be careful! A big bus      towards us.

                             (A) is coming      (B) comes         (C) was coming    (D) came

                    (  D  )  3. My family      to L.A. for several times.
                             (A) go             (B) have gone     (C) went           (D) have been
                             * 表經驗使用 have been to,人說話當下不在時才是 have gone to
                    (  C  )  4. I      like beef a lot, but now I don’t eat it anymore because of the

                             ractopamine residues found in beef.

                             (A) have           (B) have had      (C) used to        (D) had
                             * ractopamine 為瘦肉精。used to + 原形動詞表過去習慣,但後來未繼續的動作。
                    (  C  )  5. Mrs. Love      in Taiwan for 25 years by next year.
                             (A) will be living                   (B) has been lived

                             (C) will have been living            (D) has lived

                    (  B  )  6. Everyone shut up like a clam as soon as the manager      into the office.

                             (A) comes          (B) came          (C) will come      (D) coming
                             * shut up like a clam(蛤蜊)指不敢再說話,非常安靜之意。
                    (  A  )  7. He __________ a lot of chance to win the election.
                             (A) has            (B) had           (C) will have      (D) is having

                    (  D  )  8. By the time Steve Jobs died, he      a significant impact in the world.

                             (A) making                           (B) makes

                             (C) has already made                 (D) had already made
                             * 在過去式之前發生的要使用過去完成式。此句請注意 by the time。
                    (  C  )  9. My sister usually got up at 5:00 in the morning when she      in the USA.
                             (A) is studying     (B) studies      (C) studied        (D) has studied
                             * while 在此為連接副詞,連接兩個時態相同之句子。

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