Page 29 - ePD026_全方位英文文法魔法書_課本PDF
P. 29

時 態          01


                                      Welcome to the All New Shinlin Night Market

                         Without a doubt, Shilin Night Market    19    one of the most famous night markets
                    in Taipei for many years, and both locals and tourists of all age    20    its fun and  culinary

                         It might be hard to imagine, but a century ago the Keelung River    21    where Jihe

                    Road( 基河路 )    22     today, beside MRT Jiantan Station in Shilin District.
                         Taipei City Government    23     about 100 food stands at the Shilin Night Market

                    to a renovated location on the same street and this new Shilin Night Market will sure
                    continue to attract more people.

                    (  A  ) 19. (A) has become    (B) had become    (C) becomes      (D) became

                    (  B  )  20. (A) admired                      (B) admire
                             (C) had admired                      (D) has admired

                             * culinary 意為烹飪的。表示一般事實用現在式。
                    (  D  )  21. (A) flows       (B) has flown      (C) was flowing     (D) flowed
                              * 本句有 a century ago,故使用過去式。
                    (  C  )  22. (A) has lied    (B) was lying     (C) lies          (D) lied

                    (  B  )  23. (A) are moving                   (B) moved

                             (C) move                             (D) are moving

                                                Wall Street Protests Spread

                         Thousands of protesters    24    to the streets of Manhattan’s financial district since
                    Monday to support Occupy Wall Street, a demonstration is calling for an end to corporate

                    corruption and the gap between the rich and poor. People on the street    25    mostly
                    peaceful until the police    26    people who were blocking traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge.

                    Some of the prostesters    27    on behalf of labor unions and other organizations, and the
                    others were from local came to voice their anger.The movement    28    to other cities, like

                    Los Angeles, Chicago and Boston.

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