Page 28 - ePD026_全方位英文文法魔法書_課本PDF
P. 28

(  C  )  10. When Sam arrives at the airport the day after tomorrow, his girlfriend

                             for him.
                             (A) will waiting                     (B) waites

                             (C) will be waiting                  (D) was waiting

                    (  B  )  11. Hebe took a peek at the book during the test when the teacher      out of

                             the window .
                             (A) looks          (B) was looking     (C) had looked     (D) will have looked

                    (  B  )  12. Alex: Have you been to New York?  Leo: Yes, I just      that city last week.

                             (A) have visited    (B) visited      (C) visit          (D) will visit
                             * 同學在這裡很容易被前句的時態給騙了,須特別注意後句為 last week。
                    (  B  )  13. Yesterday, my mom told me that she      to Hong Kong for a business trip

                             the next day.
                             (A) was going      (B) went          (C) goes           (D) is going
                             *the next day 為過去時段的隔天,故須使用過去式。
                    (  D  )  14. Judy      English for the test at seven last night.

                             (A) is studying     (B) studies      (C) studied        (D) was studying
                             * 本題有特指七點鐘,故使用過去進行式。
                    (  D  )  15. There      two churches in this town next year.

                             (A) are                              (B) are going to have
                             (C) will have                        (D) are going to be
                             * 沒有 there...have/has 的用法,易錯 !!
                    (  A  ) 16. My sister is glad because her boyfriend      home next Sunday.

                             (A) will return     (B) was returning   (C) returns     (D) return

                    (  A  ) 17. Please stay behind the yellow line. The train      at the MRT Station soon.

                             (A) is arriving    (B) arrives       (C) arrive         (D) will arrived
                             *arrive 為來去動詞之一,故可使用現在進行式代替未來式。
                    (  B  )  18. A: Where is your sister now? B: She      her homework in her room.
                             (A) do             (B) is doing      (C) does           (D) was doing

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